See pervert below

So we are about 2 weeks in, and yet NO ONE IS IN JAIL for this disgusting situation. This is the shit that disturbs me about this country. You have African Americans being kicked off of planes or stopped in the streets for having their pants sagging. But this sick freak fondled kids his staff covered it up, and STILL no one is locked up. Starting with Zandusky who was released on unsecure bond by the Judge who was also a volunteer at his foundation. It seems to me that the whole town of "Happy Valley" is in on this cover up. Mike McQueary told Joe Pa, Joe Pa, told him to tell the AD, and so on and so forth. But yet NO ONE WENT TO THE POLICE. This is why Paterno is just as guilty as any of them, he is like GOD in that town, so if he wants something 'covered up' that's exactly whats going to go down. Just imagine this scene, you go to your immediate supervisor at your job, and tell them "I just saw a little kid being molested" and they look at you and say " go tell H.R." You would look at them like they were crazy, OR you might skip going to H.R. and go straight to the Police, which is what Mike McQueary should have done. Do you think this would go down like this at a Historic Black University? People would have been locked up long before the university even had a chance to fire anyone. And the interview that Bob Costas did with him was even more disturbing. He asks this dude straight out "are you attracted to young boys" and this fool stuttered and paused" any REAL man would flip out in response to that question. So tired of the lopsided treatment that we receive as opposed to White America. And I am not the "the man is holding me down" guy. But this right here is sickening. I am sure all of you have stories of friends, or relatives who have been arrested for much more less or NOTHING AT ALL. Feel free to share your storie